Monday, August 4, 2008

Dermatologists and how to improve my skin free from acne

When the bacterias in the pores feast on the sebum in the clogged pores, your body will send an army of white blood cells to kill the bacteria and a group of red blood cells to remove the "war waste" from the skin. But the thing is, if your immune system is weak, this will in turn cause inflammation, thus the nodules and papules as well as the swelling and redness on your face.
Consume Carbohydrates with low glycemic index as this should improve acne by 50%
Is it possible to get rid of pimples in 24 hours? For healing purpose, the skin need a period of time which usually take days, weeks or even months depending on the severity of the damage. Hence, removing pimples in such a short time is not achievable but you can fade them so that they don't look obvious for people to see.
tags: acne home scar treatment, acne pills and ineffective birth control, reducing acne redness baking soda

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